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Clinical Interests - Viscosupplementation - Gel injections"Wide Awake" hand surgeryAC jointACL ReconstructionAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm SurgeryAbdominal reconstructionAbdominal wall reconstructionAblation for ArrhythmiasAbnormal Uterine Bleeding/Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Abnormal uterine bleedingAcetabular fracturesAchilles tendinitisAcid reflux disease Acute Care SurgeryAcute Kidney InjuryAcute Oncology IllnessesAcute and chronic back painAcute dialysisAddiction MedicineAdhesionsAdjustable Gastric BandingAdolescent GynecologyAdolescent OrthodonticsAdolescent and young adult gynecologyAdult MedicineAdult OrthodonticsAdult degenerative back problems and disc diseaseAdult diseasesAdvance directivesAdvanced care planningAdvanced colon and rectal polyps Aesthetic ServicesAesthetic flat closureAge 18+Age-related macular degenerationAirway stenosisAlzheimer's DiseaseAnal IncontinenceAnal fissuresAnemiaAnkylosing spondylitis Annual Wellness VisitAnorectal abscessAnorectal diseaseAnoscopyAnterior Hip Replacement SurgeryAnxietyAorta and Aortic Root DisordersAortic AneurysmAortic DissectionAortic dissection ArrhythmiaArrhythmia SurgeryArteriovenous malformation (AVM)ArthritisArthritis Hip TreatmentArthritis managementArthritis treatment of the hand and thumb Arthroscopic Hip SurgeryArthroscopic Knee SurgeryAsthmaAtrial FibrillationAutoimmune diseases related to kidney functionAxillary web syndromeBack and neck injuriesBarrett esophagus Beating-heart SurgeryBenign hematologyBicep InjuriesBile duct stone removal Binocular Vision DysfunctionBiopsiesBladder CancerBladder botoxBody Contouring After Weight LossBone and joint infectionsBotox and Dermal FillersBrain traumaBrain tumorsBreast AugmentationBreast CancerBreast Cancer Risk Evaluation and ManagementBreast LiftBreast PathologyBreast ReconstructionBreast ReductionBreast SurgeryBreast cancer post op therapyBrief alcohol interventionBronchoscopic lung volume reductionBrow lift surgeryBurn surgeryCMC denervationCOPDCalcific tendonitisCancer GeneticsCancer SurgeryCancer SurvivorshipCancer pain and symptom managementCancer screeningCardiac AblationCardiac CT AngiographyCardiac CatheterizationCardiac SurgeryCardiomyopathyCardiovascular DiseaseCardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ImagingCardiovascular preventionCare for the runner Carotid Artery SurgeryCarpal tunnel syndromeCarpometacarpal joint denervationCataract SurgeryCavernomaCerebral aneurysmCerebral vascular accidentsCerebrovascular DiseaseCervical and lumbar radiculopathyCervical disc herniationChemical PeelsChemotherapy, target therapy and cancer immunotherapyChronic Abdominal PainChronic DiarrheaChronic DiseaseChronic Kidney DiseaseChronic Obstructive Lung DiseaseChronic Respiratory FailureChronic Venous InsufficiencyChronic disease management in the elderlyChronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD Chronic pain managementClinical cardiologyColon CancerColon cancer screeningColon cancer screeningsColon, rectal and anal cancerColonoscopyColonoscopy and polyps removals Colorectal CancerComplex Wound CareComplex burn careComplex painComprehensive careComprehensive eye examsComprehensive/Multi-Specialty TreatmentCompression fracture careConcussionsCongenital Heart DefectCongenital or genetic kidney diseaseCongestive Heart FailureConnective Tissue Disease (e.g. SLE)Conservative spine careConstipationContact Lenses and GlassesContraceptionContraception CounselingContraception/contraceptive counselingContraceptive managementCorneal and External DiseaseCoronary artery diseaseCoronary revascularizationCosmetic DentistryCosmetic Laser ProceduresCosmetic Surgery Cosmetic and functional eyelid procedures Cosmetic dermatologyCosmetic eyelid surgeryCranial traumaCraniocervical disordersCritical CareCritical Care Management of Post-op Cardiac PatientCrohn's diseaseCubital tunnel syndromeCustom OrthoticsDOT PhysicalsDe Quervain tenosynovitisDegenerative spine disordersDementia / Memory DisorderDental TraumaDentoalveolar and implantsDepressionDiabetesDiabetes EducationDiabetes ManagementDiabetic Eye DiseaseDiabetic RetinopathyDiabetic nephropathy DialysisDifficulty in swallowing Disc herniationDisease prevention and screening in primary careDislocated Hip TreatmentDislocated Shoulder TreatmentDisseminated Intravascular CoagulationDiverticulitisDorsal Root Ganglion StimulationDouble VisionDry Eye DiseaseDupuytren's Contraction DisorderDyslipidemiaDysphagiaERCP - Endoscopic Retrograde CholangiopancreatographyERCP procedure EchocardiographyElbow arthroscopy Elbow ligament repair/reconstruction Emergency MedicineEmergency general surgeryEnd of life careEnd of life planningEnd stage CHF symptom managementEnd stage kidney diseaseEnd stage renal disease and uremic symptomsEndocrine SurgeryEndometrial AblationEndometriosis/Pelvic Pain Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel ReleaseEndoscopic UltrasoundEndoscopies and interventions EndoscopyEndothelial Corneal Transplantation (DSEK)Endovascular Aneurysm SurgeryEndovascular InterventionEndovascular Thoracic SurgeryEndovascular neurosurgeryEnhanced recovery after spine surgery practicesEnlarged ProstateEnteroscopyEnvironmental MedicineEnvironmental ToxicologyEpilepsyErgonomics/injury prevention programsEsophageal CancerEsophageal DiseasesEsophageal Disorders and Swallowing DifficultiesEsophageal acid pH testing Esophageal dilation Esophageal variceal banding Esthetic DentistryEvaluations for abnormal bleeding such as post-menopausal bleeding Exercise prescription Extracranial Cerebrovascular DiseaseEyelid disordersFace and Neck Lift ProcedureFacial Plastic SurgeryFacial Trauma / SurgeryFacial cosmetic surgeryFacial reconstructionFacial reconstructive surgeryFacial traumaFamily DentistryFamily PlanningFatigueFecal incontinenceFemtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract SurgeryFibroids Finger injuriesFinger joint arthritisFistular managementFit-for-Duty & Return-to-Work ExamsFlexor and extensor tendon repair/reconstruction Fracture CareFracture care of the hand and wristFracture managementFracturesFractures and dislocations Fractures of the hand and wristFrozen shoulderFull mouth reconstructionFungal infectionsGI bleeding Gallbladder SurgeryGastric CancerGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Gastrointestinal BleedingGastrointestinal PathologyGastrointestinal RefluxGastrointestinal cancersGastrointestional NeoplasiaGender affirming careGeneral GastroenterologyGeneral OrthopedicsGeneral SurgeryGeneral hematologic conditions General infectious diseasesGeneral neurologyGenetic Testing for Hereditary CancerGenetic counselingGenitourinary PathologyGeriatric cardiologyGeriatric syndromesGeriatricsGlaucomaGlobal HealthGoals of care discussionGolfer’s elbow Gout/Crystal ArthritisGroin painGynecologic laparoscopyGynecological SurgeryHand SurgeryHand and wrist arthritisHand and wrist disordersHand fractures and dislocations Hand ligament repair/reconstruction Hand massesHand rehabilitationHand trauma and reconstructionHead & Neck CancerHead and neck cancerHead and neck pathologyHealth psychologyHeart DiseaseHeart FailureHeart Valve ClinicHeart Valve DiseaseHeart disease in womenHeavy eyelidsHematologic malignanciesHematologyHematology/OncologyHemodialysis AccessHemorrhoidsHemorrhoids, fissures, fistulasHepatobiliary CancerHepatologyHepatopancreaticobilary surgeryHernia RepairHigh Risk Breast ClinicHigh prostate specific antigenHip Labrum Tear SurgeryHip Pinning SurgeryHip Replacement SurgeryHip and Knee PainHormone ReplacementHospiceHospice CareHospital MedicineHospital VisitsHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)HydrocephalusHyperlipidemiaHypertensionHypertrophic CardiomyopathyHysteroscopyIdiopathic inflammatory myopathiesImpacted and/or Missing TeethImplant DentistryImplantable Device TherapyImplantologyIn-office HysteroscopyIncisional hernias - open, laparoscopic and abdominal wall reconstructionIncontinenceInfected Knee ReplacementInfection preventionInfections in the ElderlyInfertilityInflammatory ArthritisInflammatory Bowel DiseaseInflammatory back painInflammatory bowel disease related arthritisInflammatory bowel diseases – Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis Inflammatory joint diseaseInguinal hernia - open and laparoscopicInjection therapyInjuries of the hand and wristInjury PreventionInpatient care Inpatient medicineInstrumental Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)Integrated primary careInterStim procedureInternal MedicineInterstitial CystitisInterstitial Lung DiseasesInterventional CardiologyIntracranial vascular diseaseIntrathecal drug delivery systemsInvisalign/Clear BracesIrritable Bowel DiseaseIrritable Bowel SyndromeIschemic strokeJoint ReplacementJoint Replacement of Hip & KneeJoint stiffnessKidney DiseasesKidney cancerKnee Fluid RemovalKnee Joint ReplacementKnee ReplacementKnee SurgeryKnocked Knee SurgeryKyphoplastyLGBTQ+ HealthLabor and deliveryLaparoscopic SurgeryLaparoscopic myomectomyLeukemiaLifestyle medicineLigament injuriesLipid specialistLiver CancerLiver blood test abnormalities Liver cirrhosis Long-term careLumbar disc herniationLumbar spinal stenosisLung CancerLung SurgeryLung cancer screeningLung nodules/abnormal chest imagingLupusLyme DiseaseLymphomaMRI Fusion BiopsyMRI infused prostate biopsyMacular DegenerationMacular hole and epiretinal membrane surgeryMako Robotic-Arm Assisted SurgeryMalunions and Non-UnionsMaternity CareMechanical ventilationMedical EducationMedical oncologyMelanomaMenopauseMetabolic arthropathiesMicrofracture Knee SurgeryMicrovascular surgeryMidurethral slingsMini sternotomy Minimal Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Minimally Invasive HysterectomyMinimally invasive laparoscopic surgeryMinimally invasive robotic surgeryMinimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusionMinimally invasive surgeryMinimally invasive thoracic surgery Minimally invasive/robotic surgeryMitral Valve RepairMoral distress, compassionMorton's neuromaMultidisciplinary breast cancer treatmentMultiple SclerosisMultiple myelomaMusculoskeletal DiseaseMusculoskeletal InjuriesMusculoskeletal ultrasoundMyelodysplastic SyndromeMyeloproliferative disordersMyopia managementMyositisNephrolithiasis (kidney stones)Nerve BlocksNerve and tendon injuries of the upper extremityNerve injuriesNeuro-navigation for brain surgeryNeuro-oncologyNeurological/stroke rehabilitationNeuromuscular DisordersNeurosurgery for cerebrovascular diseaseNeurotoxin (Botox or Xeomin)NeurotraumaNipple-sparing and skin-sparing mastectomiesNodule clinic Non-invasive cardiologyNon-surgical treatment of musculoskeletal injuriesNose surgeryNutrition CounselingObesityObstetricsObstructive sleep apnea Occupational Exposure - Hazards & Health AssessmentsOccupational Lung DiseaseOccupational MedicineOcular DiseaseOcular EmergenciesOculoplastic ProceduresOncologyOpen abdomenOpen and endovascular management of abdominal aortic aneurysmOperating ProceduresOphthalmic Diagnostic TestingOphthalmic laser surgeryOrbital disease and surgeryOrthognathic surgery Orthopedic Trauma SurgeryOrthopedic traumaOrthopedicsOsteoarthritisOsteopathic Manipulation Treatment- OMTOsteopathic manipulative treatment Outcomes based researchOvarian CancerOveractive bladderPCOS Management PRP InjectionsPalliative and end-of-life carePalliative carePalliative sedationPancreatic CancerPatient EducationPatient Safety and Quality Improvement in Healthcare Patient-centered medical homePatients with Complex Medical HistoryPediatric DentistryPediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Pediatric and Adolescent HealthPediatric eye carePediatric oncologyPediatricsPelvic Reconstruction SurgeryPelvic floor disorders Pelvic organ prolapsePeptic ulcer disease PeriodonticsPerioperative carePeripheral Arterial Bypass SurgeryPeripheral Arterial DiseasePeripheral Artery DiseasePeripheral nerve injuriesPeripheral nerve reconstructionPerirectal abscessPeroneal tendonitisPhysical therapyPituitary TumorsPlantar fasciitisPlasma Cell DyscrasiasPlatelet Rich Plasma TherapyPlatelet-Rich Plasma injections Pleural effusionPolycystic ovary syndrome PCOSPost-Operative CarePost-Traumatic DeformitiesPost-surgical rehabilitationPosterior tibial tendon insufficiencyPre- and post-operative cataract carePre- and post-operative cornea carePre-Participation ExamsPre-operative cardiac evaluationPre/post-op cataract carePreadmission TestingPregnancyPregnancy and childbirthPrenatal CarePreoperative and postoperative carePreplacement & Annual ExamsPreventative MethodsPreventative medicinePreventive CardiologyPreventive CarePreventive MedicinePrimary Care ServicesPrimary Eye CarePrimary care services ProctoscopyProstate CancerPsoriatic arthritisPublic healthPulmonary HypertensionPulmonary Vein IsolationPulmonary palliative medicineRadial Artery Cardiac CatheterizationReactive arthritis Reconstructive SurgeryReconstructive/trauma surgery of the hand and wrist including microsurgeryRectal cancerRectal prolapseRectovaginal fistula repair - after childbirthRecurrent InfectionsRefractive ErrorsRefractive SurgeryRefractive lens exchangeRegional Pain SyndromesRenal Cell CancerRenal replacement therapyResistant hypertensionRetinal DetachmentRetinal Diseases and ConditionsRetinal vascular occlusionsRevisional Bariatric SurgeryRheumatoid ArthritisRobotic bronchoscopy Robotic surgeryRotational ArtherectomyRotator Cuff Tear SurgeryRoux-en-Y Gastric BypassRunning InjuriesSacral nerve stimulationSacroiliitisSarcoidosisSarcomaSciaticaSclerodermaSecondary hypertension Secondary intraocular lens surgerySentinel lymph node biopsySeparated Shoulder TreatmentSexual healthShoulder Impingement TreatmentShoulder Joint ReplacementShoulder Labrum Tear SurgeryShoulder SurgeryShoulder Tendonitis TreatmentShoulder injuriesShoulder rehabilitationSickle Cell AnemiaSingle incision cholecystectomySkin CancerSkin RejuvenationSkin cancer reconstructionSkin cancer surgerySleep ApneaSleep DisordersSleep MedicineSleeve GastrectomySmoking CessationSolid Organ TumorsSpecial needs dentistrySpinal Cord StimulationSpinal cord traumaSpinal fusionSpinal fusion and instrumentationSpinal instrumentationSpinal traumaSpinal tumorsSpine Injection TherapiesSpine and spinal cord disordersSpine deformitySpine traumaSpondylolisthesis and instabilitySport concussions Sports InjuriesSports MedicineSports concussionsSports physicals/pre-participation exams Standard and oncoplastic lumpectomiesStandard mastectomyStenosisStentingStenting Stereotactic radiation therapyStoma therapyStrength and conditioningStress TestingStroke and cerebrovascular diseaseStructural Heart DiseaseSurgical Ablation for Atrial FibrillationSurgical Critical CareSurgical Treatment of Rectal CancerSwallowing DisordersSwollen knee, hip jointsSymptomatic Baker cyst and ganglion cystSyncopeSystemic lupus erythematosusSystemic lupus erythematous Tear duct surgeryTeen PregnancyTemporomandibular joint dysfunctionTendon lacerationsTendonitisTennis elbowTerminal COPDTesticular CancerTherapeutic Colonoscopy Therapeutic EndoscopyTherapeutic management of burnsThoracic Aortic AneurysmThoracic Outlet SyndromesThoracic SurgeryThoracic disc herniationThoracic surgery/video-assisted thoracotomyThumb, hand and wrist arthritisThyroid eye diseaseTobacco cessationTorn Meniscus SurgeryTraditional Corneal Transplantation (PK)Transcarotid Artery Revascularization Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement - TAVRTransgender CareTransient ischemic attack (TIA)TraumaTrauma SurgeryTraumatic and tumor related disorders of the spineTraumatic brain injuriesTravel MedicineTravel Shots/medicationTrigeminal neuralgiaTrigger fingersTrigger point injections Trigger point therapyTrochanteric bursitisUlcerative colitisUltrasound guided injections Ultrasound-Guided Hydrodilatation Ultrasound-Guided Injections Umbilical herniasUni-compartmental knee replacementUpper extremity lymphedemaUpper extremity traumaUrethral bulkingUrethral diverticulectomyUrinary IncontinenceUrinary Incontinence ProceduresUrinary IssuesUrological CancerUveitis and inflammatory eye diseaseVaginal hysterectomyVaginal natural orifice laparoscopic surgery - VNOTESValvular Heart DiseaseVasculitisVasculitis Venous DiseaseVenous TreatmentVesicovaginal fistula repairViral Hepatitis- A, B, CViral infectionsVision-Based RehabilitationWatchman ProcedureWeight LossWeight Loss SurgeryWeight managementWell Child CareWomen's HealthWomen's Heart HealthWomen's IssuesWomen's health Work related injuriesWorkers CompensationWound CareWrist arthroscopy Wrist ligament repair/reconstruction Wrist tendon repair/reconstruction eGuthrie Video Follow-upintersection syndrome - Locations - AthensBath - Keuka Medical Commons Bath Specialty Eye CareBig FlatsBig Flats Orthopedic Walk-In CareBig Flats Southern Tier PediatricsBig Flats Specialties and Rehabilitation ServicesBig Flats Walk-In CareBinghamton Dental CareBinghamton Mental HealthBinghamton Pain CareBinghamton Pennsylvania AvenueBinghamton Pennsylvania Avenue - Plastic SurgeryBinghamton Riverside DriveBinghamton Riverside Drive - CardiologyBinghamton Riverside Drive - EndocrinologyBinghamton Riverside Drive - GastroenterologyBinghamton Riverside Drive - OtolaryngologyBinghamton Riverside Drive - PediatricsBinghamton Riverside Drive - Plastic SurgeryBinghamton Riverside Drive - PodiatryBinghamton Riverside Drive - PulmonaryBinghamton Riverside Drive - RheumatologyBinghamton Riverside Drive - VascularBinghamton Riverside Drive - Women's HealthBinghamton Robinson StreetBinghamton Specialty Eye CareCantonChenango BridgeChenango Bridge - Physical TherapyChenango Bridge Walk-In CareCorning CenterwayCorning Centerway Walk-In CareCorning Specialty Eye Care – DenisonCortlandCortland - GastroenterologyCortland Alvena Ave - UrologyCortland Alvena Ave – Infectious DiseasesCortland General Surgery Cortland Medical Center Rehabilitation ServicesCortland OB/GYNCortland Occupational MedicineCortland OrthopedicsCortland Renzi Health CampusCortland Renzi Health Campus Walk-In CareCortland Wound Care CenterDushoreEast CorningElmira Specialty Eye CareEndicott East Main StreetEndicott East Main Street - DermatologyEndicott Specialty Eye CareErwinGuthrie Corning Cancer CenterGuthrie Corning HospitalGuthrie Corning Hospital Wound Care CenterGuthrie Cortland Medical CenterGuthrie Lourdes HospitalGuthrie Lourdes Hospital - Palliative CareGuthrie Robert Packer HospitalGuthrie Robert Packer Hospital Wound Care CenterGuthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Towanda CampusGuthrie Troy Community HospitalHancockHealthWorks Wellness & Fitness CenterHospice VestalIthaca City HarborIthaca City Harbor - EndocrinologyIthaca City Harbor - GastroenterologyIthaca City Harbor - OrthopedicsIthaca City Harbor - Walk-in CareIthaca Hanshaw RoadJohnson City Orthopedics and Sports MedicineJohnson City PavilionJohnson City Pavilion Walk-In CareJohnson City Physical Performance and RehabilitationJohnson City Physical Performance and Rehabilitation - Hand TherapyJohnson City Physical Performance and Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation ServicesJohnson City Senior CareLourdes Hospital - Breast Care CenterLourdes Hospital - CardiologyLourdes Hospital - General SurgeryLourdes Hospital - Rehabilitation ServicesLourdes Hospital - UrologyLourdes Hospital Cancer CenterNew BerlinOwego Fifth AvenueOwego Fifth Avenue Walk-In CareOwego Route 38Same Day Surgery CenterSayreSayre Desmond Street - AllergySayre Desmond Street - DermatologySayre Desmond Street - EndocrinologySayre OtolaryngologySayre PediatricsSayre Walk-In CareSayre Weight Loss CenterSouthern Tier Medical Care Occupational HealthSouthportThe Renzi Cancer Center at Guthrie Cortland Medical CenterTowanda Colonial DriveTowanda OrthodonticsTowanda Pratt AvenueTowanda Walk-In CareTroyTunkhannockVestalVestal PediatricsVestal Shippers Road - Family MedicineVestal Shippers Road - Internal MedicineVestal Shippers Road - Physical TherapyVestal Shippers Road - Women's HealthVestal Shippers Road - Wound CareVestal Shippers Road Walk-In CareWatkins Glen Specialty Eye CareWaverlyWaverly Eye CareWellsboroWellsboro Walk-In CareWhitney PointWyalusing - Medical Group - Guthrie Provider - Provider Type - Certified Nurse MidwifeDental HygienistDentistFamily Nurse PractitionerNurseNurse MidwifeNurse PractitionerOccupational TherapistPathologyPhysical Therapist AssistantPhysicianPhysician AssistantRegistered Dietitian Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits close icon Showing 1-10 of 222 Results Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … 23 23 Next page › Deborah Adebamowo, MD Deborah Adebamowo, MD Specialty Family Medicine Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Play IconPlay Video Vineet Agrawal, MD, FRCSEd [Urol], FEBU 4.5 240 Provider Reviews Vineet Agrawal, MD, FRCSEd [Urol], FEBU 4.5 240 Provider Reviews Specialty Urology Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Jennifer Altieri, NP 5 349 Provider Reviews Jennifer Altieri, NP 5 349 Provider Reviews Specialty Orthopedics Locations Sayre Towanda Colonial Drive 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Mustafa Aman, MD, MHA, CPE, FACS, FICS, FASMBS 5 94 Provider Reviews Mustafa Aman, MD, MHA, CPE, FACS, FICS, FASMBS 5 94 Provider Reviews Specialties Bariatric Surgery General Surgery Locations Sayre Sayre Weight Loss Center 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Abraham Theodore Appleton, MD 5 35 Provider Reviews Abraham Theodore Appleton, MD 5 35 Provider Reviews Specialties Orthopedics Orthopedic Trauma Locations Ithaca City Harbor - Orthopedics Sayre 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Play IconPlay Video J. Manuel Arreguin, MD, MS, MBA, FACOG 5 36 Provider Reviews J. Manuel Arreguin, MD, MS, MBA, FACOG 5 36 Provider Reviews Specialty Obstetrics/Gynecology Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Play IconPlay Video Maximos Attia, MD 5 72 Provider Reviews Maximos Attia, MD 5 72 Provider Reviews Specialty Family Medicine Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Zachary Au, MD Zachary Au, MD Specialty Family Medicine Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Play IconPlay Video Brett Auerbach, DO 5 262 Provider Reviews Brett Auerbach, DO 5 262 Provider Reviews Specialties Orthopedics Sports Medicine Locations Big Flats Specialties and Rehabilitation Services Sayre Southport 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Rebecca Bailey, MD 5 102 Provider Reviews Rebecca Bailey, MD 5 102 Provider Reviews Specialties Pulmonology Critical Care Location Sayre 866-488-4743 Accepting New Patients Offers Telemedicine Visits Information Icon Telemedicine video visits make it easier to find care at a time and location that is convenient for you. Telemedicine appointments are available for both new patient visits and follow-ups. Schedule Appointment Online Schedule an Appointment Online For New Patients Select New Patient Visit if you have never seen this provider at Guthrie before. Schedule Now For Existing Patients Use the patient portal to make an appointment with any specialist who has treated you in the last three years. Login to Portal Showing 1-10 of 222 Results Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … 23 23 Next page ›